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Blockchain Infrastructure

Phala Blockchain in Detail


Phala is a trustless cloud computing solution for the next generation’s internet, the Web3. We build on Parity’s Substrate and operate in the Polkadot ecosystem on the Kusama parachain.

Phala tackles the privacy and performance issues of legacy blockchain solutions operated in a cloud environment by decoupling the computation from the chain to off-chain secure workers: the blockchain is only used as the canonical (encrypted) message queue, and the attested secure workers fetch requests (i.e., transactions) from the chain, verify and execute them, and then write the computation results back.

Our secure workers utilize specific Secure Enclave hardware that ensures confidentiality, security, and performance of blockchain computation. Furthermore, our code is all open-source.

The Architecture

In general, Phala Network consists of the Phala blockchain and the off-chain runtime in Secure Enclave. Also, we introduce a bridge relayer to connect them. So a full stack of a single Phala node contains the following three components.

  • phala-node: The Substrate-based blockchain node;
  • pRuntime: The Secure Enclave runtime. Contracts run in pRuntime;
  • pherry: The Substrate-Enclave bridge relayer. Connects the blockchain and pRuntime;

Transaction Security

The core insight of our system design is that the blockchain can serve as a canonical input source for the Secure Enclave, and the Secure Enclave hardware enforces confidential and faithful execution instructed by the chain even if the worker operators are malicious.

Although attackers cannot peek at the Secure Enclave, they can trick the contracts in it by forging transactions or replaying/reordering valid transactions. It is important to ensure that confidential contracts only accept valid transactions and process transactions in an expected order. That’s why we introduce the Phala blockchain and connect it to the pRuntime via pherry.

As illustrated, the Phala blockchain serves as a canonical source of valid transactions. Only submitted transactions can be accepted by pRuntime, and they will be processed in the same order as they are on the blockchain. We implement a light validation client in pRuntime to determine whether valid transactions are accepted in an expected order. Also, a key rotation mechanism will be introduced to prevent the replay of historical transactions. The great thing is that pRuntime hides all these complex implementation details from you to implement confidential contracts like developing ordinary programs.

pherry works as the bridge between Phala blockchain and pRuntime. It ensures that all the transactions on the blockchain are faithfully forwarded to pRuntime and that all the enclave instances are running an unmodified version of pRuntime. While it is worth noting that pRuntime does not trust pherry, it will still validate every block and transaction it receives from pherry.