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Deploy Contract

Deploy Your First Contract

Now that you have created and compiled your phat_hello contract, let's deploy the contract to the PoC6 Testnet. There are a couple ways to get you started.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Swanky Phala" %}

If you have not installed swanky phala CLI tool, follow these steps to get started.

Go to your development workspace and ensure that you have updated your devphase.config.json file to include the PoC6 Testnet info. Withinnetworks , add the following:

"networks": {
    "poc6": {
      "nodeUrl": "wss://",
      "workerUrl": ""

Next, you will execute the following command to deploy your phat_hello compiled contract.

The flags available for this command are defined as follows:

swanky phala contract deploy --help

Expected output:

➜  Norwhich git:(master) βœ— swanky help phala contract deploy                                                                                     ~/Projects/TestingEnv/Norwhich
Deploy contract
  $ swanky phala contract deploy -c <value> -o <value> [-t InkCode|SidevmCode|IndeterministicInkCode] [-n <value>] [-l <value>] [-a <value>] [-p <value>]
  -a, --account=<value>      [default: alice] Account used to deploy (managed account key)
  -c, --contract=<value>     (required) Contract name
  -l, --cluster=<value>      Target cluster Id
  -n, --network=<value>      [default: local] Target network to deploy (local default)
  -o, --constructor=<value>  (required) Contract constructor to call (name)
  -p, --params=<value>...    [default: ] Arguments supplied to the message
  -t, --type=<option>        [default: InkCode]
                             <options: InkCode|SidevmCode|IndeterministicInkCode>
  Deploy contract
  $ swanky phala contract deploy -c [CONTRACT_NAME] -t [CONTRACT_TYPE] -o [CONSTRUCTOR] -n [NETWORK] -l [CLUSTER_ID] -a [ACCOUNT] -p [..Args]

poc6 will be the -n flag value in the swanky phala contract deploy command.

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

swanky phala contract deploy -c phat_hello -l 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 -n poc6 -o new

{% endcode %}

Here is an expected output after executing the swanky phala contract deploy command.

Deploy contract
Validating compiled WASM of phat_hello contract...
phat_hello.wasm validated successfully!
β ™ Deploying contract phat_hello
Contract deployed
Contract Id: 0xac22b0163a70f1213d58b3891f20c5b493ca7a7802e2b0ee204a7c4994a4bb27
Cluster Id:  0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
βœ”οΈ Deploying contract phat_hello  OK
😎 Phat Contract deployed successfully! 😎

Now execute the swanky phala contract call command since we now have the Contract Id of the deployed Phat Contract. Here is what the help command looks like:

swanky phala contract call --help

Expected output:

Call a Phat Contract
  $ swanky phala contract call -c <value> -i <value> -m <value> [-t InkCode|SidevmCode|IndeterministicInkCode] [-r query|tx] [-n <value>] [-l <value>] [-a <value>] [-p <value>]
  -a, --account=<value>    [default: alice] Account used to call (managed account key)
  -c, --contract=<value>   (required) Contract name
  -i, --id=<value>         (required) Contract ID
  -l, --cluster=<value>    Target cluster Id
  -m, --method=<value>     (required) Contract method to call (name)
  -n, --network=<value>    [default: local] Target network to deploy (local default)
  -p, --params=<value>...  [default: ] Arguments supplied to the message
  -r, --request=<option>   [default: query] Request type: transaction or query
                           <options: query|tx>
  -t, --type=<option>      [default: InkCode]
                           <options: InkCode|SidevmCode|IndeterministicInkCode>
  Call a Phat Contract
  $ swanky phala contract call -c [CONTRACT_NAME] -t [CONTRACT_TYPE] -i [CONTRACT_ID] -r [REQUEST_TYPE] -m [METHOD] -n [NETWORK] -l [CLUSTER_ID] -a [ACCOUNT] -p [..ARGS]

To call the phat_hello contract we will need the following:

  • -i Contract Id: 0xac22b0163a70f1213d58b3891f20c5b493ca7a7802e2b0ee204a7c4994a4bb27
  • -l Cluster Id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
  • -n Network: poc6
  • -m Method Name (Camel Case): getEthBalance
  • -p Method Argument Parameters: 0x307844306645333136423966303141336235666436373930463838433244353337333946383042343634
    • Note that this is the value of stringToHex(0xD0fE316B9f01A3b5fd6790F88C2D53739F80B464)
swanky phala contract call -c phat_hello -i 0xac22b0163a70f1213d58b3891f20c5b493ca7a7802e2b0ee204a7c4994a4bb27 -l 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 -n poc6 -m getEthBalance -p 0x307844306645333136423966303141336235666436373930463838433244353337333946383042343634

Now that we can compose a swanky phala contract call command, this would be an expected output:

Executing call to Phat Contract
Call result:
  output: { ok: { ok: '20950198739626844' } },
  debugMessage: '',
  result: {
    ok: { flags: [], data: '0x0000443230393530313938373339363236383434' }
  gasConsumed: { refTime: 1342177279, proofSize: 0 },
  gasRequired: { refTime: 65766686719, proofSize: 0 },
  storageDeposit: { charge: 2047 }

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Phat UI" %} Go to the Phat UI website where you will see a landing page.

Next, you will connect your Polkadot wallet (Talisman, SubWallet, or Polkadot.js)

For more info on these steps, check out the Phat Contract Console section. Now that your account has PHA testnet tokens, upload the compile contract file phat_hello.contract

Here is a video example of the process. After the contract is deployed and instantiated into a cluster, choose any ETH address and query the balance.

{% embed url="" %} Deploy and Call your Phat Contract {% endembed %}

The query of an ETH balance will look like this: