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Astar zKatana Testnet

Astar zkEVM is a zero-knowledge scaling solution for Ethereum that offers an EVM-equivalent environment on which existing EVM smart contracts, developer tools, and wallets can work seamlessly. Astar zkEVM harnesses the power of zero-knowledge proofs to reduce transaction costs and increase throughput, while inheriting the security of Ethereum.

To learn more about Astar zkEVM, you can checkout their document here.

Asset PairContract Address
AAVE to USD0x49899fBd9be6b23d5e4AF697a92dc1E6C695862b
BTC to USD0xf38b25b79A72393Fca2Af88cf948D98c64726273
CRV to USD0x89BC5048d634859aef743fF2152363c0e83a6a49
DAI to USD0x2E1640853bB2dD9f47831582665477865F9240DB
ETH to USD0x739d71fC66397a28B3A3b7d40eeB865CA05f0185
USDC to USD0xB842f535a88021F95e1a94245Fa549a7f75084Dc
USDT to USD0x1e73C20c42a7de166868da4c47963d137030492A